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House for sale


Sale in inspiring quotes House for sale, you can read on the sign.
House for sale!!! 

Home in inspiring quotesFOR -------------------->

Rumah yang telah aku tinggali selama lebih dari 8 tahun di Pulogebang Permai – Cakung – Jakarta Timur, akhirnya tiba masanya harus dijual. Akan pergi dengan segala kenangan manis – mulai dari hari-hari pertama mengawali kehidupan berumah-tangga hingga aku dikaruniai ‘My 6 years old girl – Nadjwa Tanjung” who is the first grade in elementary school and “My half past 3 years old boy – Abdillah Tanjung.”

OK. Life is still running. Let it be going on.


Anda lihat kamar depan yang tampak jelas jendelanya, itulah tempat kami selalu berdua dengan istri saya sejak kali pertama. Jika saatnya berbuah, pohon anggur yang saya tanam 9 tahun lalu di depan jendela kamar kami selalu berbuah lebat dan manis serta tidak ada ulat. Dan di bawahnya kolam ikan hias tempat saya berlama-lama duduk selepas pulang kerja.




Dahulu depan pagar sebelah kiri ada batang kelapa yang  mengingatkan pada batang-batang kelapa di sekeliling rumah mertua di Solok, Sumatera Barat. Mati dan diganti batang Alpokat, mati juga saat saya mengecor semen dinding got. Terakhir saya menanam sirsak, sekali berbuah 13 dan kami bagi ke tetangga dekat. Anda lihat foto diatas pohonnya masih ada. Sayang seribu kali sayang, hidupnya teramat sangat segan. Yah!!! Adik iparku memangkas cabang-cabangnya terlalu banyak.


Akan datang masanya, semua itu akan pergi. Sepertinya mengingatkan pada lyrics lagu tahun 1975 - “House for sale” oleh grup Lucifer – sering kusenandungkan saat saya (yusuf) masih duduk di bangku sekolah SMA Negeri I Teladan Yogyakarta. Berikut ini reffrain-nya:

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale

It was yours and it was mine
And tomorrow some strangers
Will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share

Serambi2 C7 no5

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"House for sale" in MP3. Let play it.

Anda Berminat!!!  Contact to : 021 4804234 / 0815 3529 6249.

House for Sale in lyrics Let sing the song

The sign went up one rainy morning
Just a couple of hours after dawn
Mrs. Hadley peaked out through her curtains
Wondering what was going on
The neighbors said over coffee cups
That nice young couple is breaking up
And in the living room the linen and the crystals
Sit all packed and set to go
I tell myself once more I won't be here in spring
To see my roses grow
And all the things you tried to fix
The roof still leaks, the door still sticks

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale
It was yours and it was mine

And tomorrow some strangers
Will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share
I know you've always loved that painting
From that funny little shop in Spain
Remember how we found it when we ducked in
From that sudden summer rain
But I think I'll keep the silver tray
My mother gave us on our wedding day

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale
It was yours and it was mine
And tomorrow some strangers
Will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale
It was yours and it was mine
And tomorrow some strangers
Will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale
It was yours and it was mine
And tomorrow some strangers
Will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share

House for sale
You can read it on the sign
House for sale, oho
It was yours and it was mine
And tomorrow some strangers
Will be climbing up the stairs
To the bedroom filled with memories
The one we used to share.

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