I have been living in Jakarta since 15 years ago, I have experienced the earthquake vibrations 6 times. several questions arise in my mind, whether the presence of tall buildings in Jakarta is safe? What has been done by the city of Jakarta in efforts to anticipate big earthquake? How high public awareness of Jakarta using Fire Insurance and Earthquake Insurance?
According to authentic historical sources, written Dutch and English, Jakarta has experienced several major earthquakes that caused significant damage. Within the last 3 centuries there are 4 major earthquakes hit Jakarta in 1699, 1780, 1852 and the earthquake caused the eruption of Krakatoa August 27, 1883.
The flow of river Tjiliwung in the Central Business Kali Besar, Djakarta (Batavia) 1937
Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, Governor General of the United Kingdom in the Dutch East Indies when the British controlled the area, in the year 1811 - 1816, has noted in his History of Java, as follows :
“The epicentrum of earthquake that occurred in 1699 based in the south of
Gunung Gede. The quake has caused vomiting mud from the earth.
Mud closed the river flow, causing unhealthy environmental conditions.”
According to sources Encyclopedy of World Geography the quake in 1699 caused the river Ciliwung buried in mud, falling trees resulting in great flooding in Batavia.
What happens in Jakarta, if an earthquake like that over again today. Flood Mud and not a lot of trees falling, because replaced with tall buildings collapsed. Traffic chaos, damage of drinking water pipelines and power sources and a major fire due to electrical konsleiting. A nightmare that might happen again and the need for fire insurance and earthquake insurance was in sight
Now how the city is ready to face the threat of large earthquakes. According to Herman Sarwono, President Director of PT Insani Daya Kreasi general contractor firm, Jakarta. He says :
“Today there are rules built building. Building must meet seismic standard
to 8 Richter Scale. buildings in Jakarta which was built after 1989 must
meet the requirements of the building structure and performance of
building structures in accordance with the Indonesian National standard
1989 (SNI1989). In fact the standardization of building construction in 2002
increased again SNI 03-1726-2002 far more stringent than the standard
SNI 1989.”
There are several steps that need to be passed in a building planning in Jakarta for earthquake resistance :
It must be known oscillation or acceleration of the bedrock. This number can be obtained from the Indonesian Earthquake Maps 2010, in which the acceleration of the bedrock (Peak Base Acceleration / PBA), Jakarta is 0:19 g (g = gravity = 981 cm per second squared) to 10 percent likelihood in 50 years and for the period over 475 earthquakes yearly.
There is a cycle of re-earthquake period is taken into consideration the planning of buildings. If associated with a history of major quakes in the past 3 centuries, an interval of 81 years, 72 years, 31 years and 128 did not last big quake. So long as that's the accumulation of energy in the fault of the earth and other variables that would enlarge the potential for future earthquake. So the rules about earthquake-resistant building standards should be applied very strictly.
Should know the acceleration at the soil surface by calculating the effects of local soil conditions.
For example, if the soft soil or hard soil. For Jakarta, the wobble in the Base rocks could have essentially the same, but the oscillation in the surface soil in North Jakarta and South Jakarta is different, because of differences in soil or geological formations. Northern of Jakarta more vulnerable because it is above the soil layer of soft sediment.
It should be taken into account wobble in the building itself, which is based on the behavior of the building. "By knowing the sway of the building, then it can be calculated magnitude earthquake forces in buildings,
After all. You need to protect your building assets from the risk of natural disasters and fires. For the needs of fire and earthquake insurance,
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Phone : 0815 8525 9555 SMS 0897 8262 195
Email : yusuf.edyempi@yahoo.comYusuf Zulkarnain
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